Just saw a video about silent hill P.T. -> The Greatest Horror Game That Never Happened
That game has a crazy place in my heart, it's part of those horror games that unironically shaped the way I feel about horror games in general. I never ever saw or felt the same kind of dread that P.T. gave me, and I didn’t even play it. I just used to watch gameplays when I was 13.
But I was so fascinated. The fetus, the radio saying “… Look behind you. I SAID LOOK BEHIND YOU.”, the clock at 23.59, Lisa. It was insane, and it’s insane that P.T. has never actually been released, and it was only a demo.
I don’t think I’ll ever experience a video game more terrifying than that. Everything looks pale compared to it.
A question that has come to my mind is: are there any other videogames that use the same mechaninc of repeating the same room over and over again like p.t.? The only one that i know is Miside, which takes inspiration for a piece of their game from p.t.! But i always wonder if there were any games before p.t. that used this same mechanic and how did they feel like.
-> Miside P.T. inspired chapter: "The Loop"
+ bonus: once I told an horror story at a party that was about the main character of P.T., but I told it in FIRST PERSON, as if I was the main character telling the story, and I LITERALLY MADE A GIRL CRY. I was so proud.
[edited: i loved seeing guillermo del toro being so mad at konami, they robbed us of a beautiful game that now cannot even be downloaded! People are selling old playstations on ebay for 600 euros or more JUST because they still have Silent Hill P.T. downloaded. Insanity. Ofc people after the cancellation of the game from the playstation store (if I'm not wrong, since I never had a playstation before, but konami pretty much completely destroyed any possibility to get the game from the playstation) started questioning the reliability of gaming platforms for preserving videogames.]
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Lmao imagine if you actually had played Silent Hill 2 on the PS2 when it came out.
Ohh never actually played any silent hill, should I start from the first?
by matildenet_games; ; Report
Absolutely, it's blocky graphics have made it age like fine wine. Just keep in mind that the controls are a bit clunky but they're not difficult to get used to.
by SusurriInUmbris; ; Report
Astroid Destroyer 9000
Bro you made me remember P.T. That fucking demo game was my whole childhood fr.
Crazy game. Hope to find a way to play it myself without buying a whole PlayStation thooo
by matildenet_games; ; Report