Ok so first of all this is mostly about an ex I don't really know how I feel about. So it all happened at this music school about a year and a half ago at this point me and T are best friends and we hang out all the time. the music school did summer camps and T had gone to one (I would have gone with her but I was out of town) and she had met these two guys J (he is like my younger brother still) and E (my now ex/friend idk what we are) she wanted me to meet them so she invited me to go to the movies with them. before the movie we kinda just chilled nothing awkward I definitely thought E was cute but didn't really do anything about it. when we were at the movies I talked to E a lot (I know it's rude to talk at the movies but Idc and I wasn't that loud) and as the movie got closer to the end he had started leaning his head on my shoulder but honestly I'm oblivious so I didn't think anything of it. (I know there is a lot of stuff about E but y'all need the backstory) I had his number but didn't really talk to him until a year later when he came back for another summer camp (I still wasn't at the camp but T wanted us to hang out again) so she got us all together and we hung out at her house. this time was kinda different because we were actually talking and getting to know each other. we talked and flirted at one point I was sitting on his lap doing his makeup and on the drive home I get his insta and he asks me for a playlist of songs that I like. we start talking and we start dating yada yada. T was not happy about this for reasons I still don't really know oh and also me and K were friends but she doesn't really play an important role yet. so about a week before we broke up I went to his house and umm we did some.... stuff. then a week later I get a TEXT saying that he likes us better as friends (like what the fuck bro kinda seems like your using me) and the whole time during the relationship T is like super pissed at us and says she's going to murder us (I think it was a joke but idk) after the break up most of my friends stop talking to me which is weird because I usually check in on the but they weren't responding. so eventually I contacted him because I need some of my stuff that I left at his house and I met him at the music school while I was there T and K wereΒ super cold to me and if they were cold then E was an iceberg. so I talked to J and he had told me what E he'd said about me (I had brought E his stuff but he forgot mine so I didn't get it) E was saying some nasty shit about me and I had confronted him over text that night he basically said that I was twisting his words. so I just decided to ignore him or try to ignore him. after a while I had tried to be friends with him but that just made me miss him more I'm taking I couldn't stop thinking about him. so I screwed shit up and got mad at him and sent him an angry paragraph then on new years I tried to get back together with him (not my proudest moment) so now I don't know what to do and I want advice I mean I ant to get back together but I cant force it so idk and there's going to be a part two explaining what happens with T and K

I lowkey don't know what to do please give me advice
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farmer lily
bro why are u living with actual villains????


i cant form any kind of opinion or advice about this js dont interact w them ik it's hard but i feel like youre highkey gon b ok without those assholes that obvi talk behind your back
part two is up if you want the backstory on K and T
by Spider Princess; ; Report