hi, i'd like to completely introduce myself to you lovely readers of spacehey! so lets get into it
im a 14 year old boy whos fed up with the world, and all of its bullshit, tired of everyone treating me like shit. i hate people that think that i owe them something, like i get it, i'm weird, i dress different, big fucking woop, but thats enough negativity, because im not too much of a negative person. i love you emo fucks, the ones that get it, the ones who were alone, the ones that understand the feeling of being hated, you guys have a very special place in my heart.
uh... idk what else to say so im just gonna list some things that i think are pretty kewl/some fun facts about me!!
i absolutely love being a drummer. my life goal is to become a pro & play in some emo band!!!
i love emo music (ofc) but i also really like jazz and metal music!!!
im looking for a gf (no pedophiles, not you, im talking MY AGE... fucking creep)
i think i have depression... its hereditary rite? well my dad is severely depressed and i just feel at the lowest of all lows every once and a while
and... well... i think thats really it, if you have questions id be more than happy to answer!!11!!!1!!
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