Does anybody ever think about like the most disturbing twisted downright awful events to ever happen to you or others in your head? Like dying and imagining everyone you knows reaction to it. Idk. I think about that stuff quite a bit. I let my thoughts go where they need but idk why i even have them in the first place. ALSO PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME THEY LIKE CENTIPEDESSS cuz i LOVE em but when i see them irl im terrified. Anyways thats all thoughts for now, i hope you lovley readers have a nice day :3

Thoughts n stuff
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I think about my own funeral sometimes and people’s reaction towards it. But in recent years it’s shifted to how I’m going to do a giant game show about who knew me best and whoever wins gets half the will so I’ve started saying “remember this cause it’ll be a question during my funeral” whenever something important happens in my life