yea lol this is my first blog on this site and just in general I've always hated writing stuff lol
I tried making some deep personal text like going into abandoned building and siting there with my thoughts and music but I didn't know what I would say lol. so instead I'm writing this cause why not :>.
every time I try to write down a idea I can't find any words to say or think it sounds stupid lollllz I don't even know if anyone will read this blog so why bother lmao
btw if you read this all for some reason try going outside at night time and just look up, the sky looks pretty :3
that's all I feel like writing rn so that's it sorry this was so short check out my profile if you want to know more about me and if I seem interesting feel free to send me a dm or friend request and if this gets some attention maybe I'll make another blog ^_^ byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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