Heyhey!! This is my first of (hopefully) many posts on this page! I'll try to post about myself from time to time, dump some of my thoughts, and hopefully bring a little bit of light into people's days.
A little bit about me: I'm a 21 year old man(?) who is in college for engineering and who's main extracurricular interest outside of my studies is music! I'm in my university's marching band and concert ensemble an I play Tuba! Along with that, I sing on my own time and have started trying to pick up bass and guitar again. I mainly listen to metal/punk/emo-adjacent music cause it's what I've always listened to and 14 year old me was absolutely cooking.
I'm sure there's something I forgot to mention about myself but leave a comment if you have any questions! And don't be afraid to IM if you need someone to talk to, I'm always available.
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hi, welcome! hope you enjoy your time here :)
Thank you!!
by Jackson; ; Report
Hello! Welcome to MySpace ✌🏽 I hope it treats you well and I hope to see more of ur posts! Is the tuba heavy? I never tried so I think it ways so much. I assume not since you seem passionate about it tho!
My concert tuba is ~20 lbs and my marching tuba is ~30 lbs. The marching tuba hurts the shoulder a bit after a while but it's something you get used to pretty fast
by Jackson; ; Report