aann.nnyy's profile picture

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Category: Life

Heyy! Be kind to yourself.

Life mostly sucks, there are days that you're gonna feel down, there are things you're gonna do and be like: ''what the hell? this is not me, but a the same time so me''. And that's alright, our bad days and bad acts don't define us, what defines us is how we choose to act after it, you should'nt hate yourself for enganging in a bad habit or behaviour but always try to be better and keep youself safe first.

Remember: be kind and patient to others, but remember to be kind and patient to you first, aim to be loved but love youself first <3

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akc.passoni's profile picture

ever thought about having a career in psychology? ur amazing talking about feelings

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eu te amo

by aann.nnyy; ; Report

eu também te amo minha linda, e te ver falando doq gosta me faz ter certeza que vai ter um futuro incrivel e cheio de vida. conta sempre cmg, sempre

by akc.passoni; ; Report