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Category: Blogging

1st - Biblical Stuff

I've been recently reading a book that talks about ancient civilizations that are present in the Old Testament. And it is honestly so interesting to see how although the Bible has gone to so many changes throughout the centuries, the way is written is rather similar to the way contemporary texts were written. The way that the ancient Israelites related to their deity is rather similar to how other civilizations in the Levant did it. Which makes christian nationalism even funnier. Because many christians nowadays have convinced that let's say Abraham would share their same opinions. While Abraham had no concept of nationalism as we know it nowadays. His world view was 100% different to ours, and that's why we would never be able to fully understand the Bible because it was written with a whole different world view.

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Honestly I try to be a good Christian but then again I sometimes get those thoughts like what if the Bible was written by schizophrenics like mental illnesses weren’t a thing back then. Is there something that could reassure me on that topic or all I can do is let my faith guide me

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