I need help deciding what color to dye my hair should i go for just plain purple or streak purple or plain pink of should i go for blue??? HELPPP ZOMSONE PLSSSS and if it helps i have a golden brown hair, i would show yall but idk howwww
If it's your first time dying I'do purple streaks and then if you like it you can try the whole head :-) If you like darker purple too you might even get away with not bleaching your hair (which is great if you are new to hair dye)
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If it's your first time dying I'do purple streaks and then if you like it you can try the whole head :-)
If you like darker purple too you might even get away with not bleaching your hair (which is great if you are new to hair dye)
I did NOT know that! Tysmmmm this is really really helpful for mee
by cheetosz!; ; Report
Maybe you could use a dye that immediately washes out and try on different colours and decide what appeals the most ( ╹▽╹ )
This is actually really good! I could see which color actually fits me! Tysmmmmm<34
by cheetosz!; ; Report
No problem <333
by Mirabelladenada; ; Report
Slo Doodles
maybeeee first try to see HOW u wanna dye ur hair, u can make em black and do a gradiant color yk ? can look amazing !
YHANKK UUUUU ill try ur tips!!!:D
by cheetosz!; ; Report
by Slo Doodles; ; Report