I'm gonna start off by saying that I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing when it comes to blogging. I've never tried it before, so please do forgive me if I'm doing it relatively wrong in any way; there's a first time for everything.
I'm currently writing this afterschool. Spring has (almost) sprung, which means pretty sunny days and all the more reason to spend time outside! Though, I live in a warm country, meaning I could be spending more time in front of an air-con rather than in front of some trees. Sad times.
Anywho, I digress. In the past, I had major difficulty with my emotions and thoughts. There were times where I just felt as though I had no control over them, and that sent me into a really dark spiral (which I never wanna relive again!). I would think so negatively; of both the world and of myself.
However, I managed to climb out of that hole I was in. I began to open my eyes to the beauty of everything! It took a lot of work, but here I am, in the flesh.
The purpose of this blog is to spread positivity. I wanna be able to share how I see the world, to the rest of the world!
Everyday, I'll be sharing a lesson or message I learnt that altered my way of thinking. It may not be much, but it'll make me feel better knowing I can at least change someone's perspective on an aspect of life; especially during these times.
That being said, the lesson of the day is: Don't be afraid to try something new!
It could be as small as trying out a new pastry from a cafe you always stop by, or as big as learning a whole new language. Life calls for flexibility; trying something new teaches you to "just go for it!". Not only is doing so good for your mental health and personal growth, who knows, you may just find something you really enjoy that you never thought you would!
That's all from me, until next time!
- D-Flo :)
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