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Category: Games

The first Zelda games are great

The new Zelda games are good, I don't argue, but the emotions that the old ones (mostly pixelated) gave me will never be forgotten.

Let me remind you that this is only my experience, and I don’t want to offend anyone!

In my country Zelda is not very popular, so I do not speak for everyone. BOTW, released in 2017, reminded me of the very first games, how I sat and tried to understand what this or that character was telling me, because I didn’t really know English, I thought about how I could get around the enemy so as not to lose precious three hearts, came up with tactics to defeat the boss, although everything was much simpler than I thought. I still remember how as a little girl I sat at my grandfather's computer, and just I came across a site where you can play flash games, including games from consoles. That's when I met Zelda. My very first game was "Link to the past", I chose it simply because the name was beautiful:1 Even though I didn't understand a damn thing that was being said to me, I liked it, I really liked it! I was surprised by the freedom of action, before that I played in dubious-looking shooters, in which you just run and shoot at enemies. And here my childish brain just exploded, I was amazed that I could take a bush and throw it, that I could move some kind of block, that I could talk to everyone and they all didn’t say the same thing.

I'm probably exaggerating, but these are exactly the emotions I experienced then. It was then, in 2019, that I got acquainted with this wonderful series of games.

Thank you for reading!:) I am very pleased!

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