The difference between a friend vs crush

I think I finally understand the difference between a friend vs a crush (for me at least)

friendships can be just as fulfilling and beautiful as a romantic relationship. The reason why I was so confused between a crush vs a friend was because I didn't know what counted as "romance".

But honestly I don't think about that anymore because when I think of friends there is love in my friendships too, but its a different type of love, its more respectful in a way where I look up to them, and I feel safe with them and know that we are vulnerable with each other enough to allow ourselves to be the best version of ourselves around each other.

while a crush/romantic interest feels more like an instinct? feelings you can't really put into words sometimes its a completely different feeling from friendship, sometimes its a step further from friendship. but its a love that comes off as more of an instinct. in a " I want our souls to intertwine" kind of way. I wanna understand everything about them, their morals, flaws, thoughts, feelings. 

of course I want to understand the morals, flaws, thoughts, and feelings of my friends too that's how friendships are built. But I think the line between a friend vs a crush is whether or not you want them to be their own section in your life.

A crush/romantic interest is more about being able to know everything about each other and choosing to love them specifically, because loving someone is an action. it's a COMMITMENT!.

the beauty of getting into a relationship with someone is to show that although you have many people to love in your life (your family, friends, etc) you want THEM specially to be a Specific Special Person in your life. 


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Winnie's profile picture

I love this i super agree

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