Hi people! this is my first blog entry yayay :3c
anyways id like to speak up about this one dynamic ive seen in very few books/movies and its a couple which stays together no matter what till the end of the story. (and its usually with some tragic end)
ive got only 2 examples sadly and that is
- Needy and Chip (Jennifers body)
and the second one is
- Kirie and Shuichi (Uzumaki)
now why am i blogging about this? I want to find out if im the only one who really adores this love dynamic portayed in media or whether im the only one who pays this much attention to it..., and the other reason is that if u know about any other duo, please lmk in the comments!!! xP id love to find more of these..
Thank you for reading n have a nice sleep,
snap clap Joulou <3
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Yess i love this dynamic so much
by joulou; ; Report