my birthday is in two days (10/03 or 03/10 for anyone in america or something)
i'm one of many, maybe some people, that easily get excited for my birthday
because it's that one time of year you celebrate living and growing up. i already have plans for my birthday. this year, i'll be 18, which is absolutely MENTAL. because there's now a bunch of things i straight up want to do like:
- drinking alcohol (the drinking age in the uk is 18)
- clubbing
- getting my own hotel room on my own (most hotels will let you have your own hotel room at a younger age but an adult/guardian will need to supervise you)
- access to basically most stuff
- gambling money
as for the gifts i want, it's nothing major. this is because i want to have a day out
and that's all for this blog. hopefully it's not too bad
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Booking an hotel is so real, I kinda want to do it too just because I can. I'm kinda lucky because my best friend was born just a week after me so this year for a week I'll treat her as if she was a kid because that's fun. I'm defo gonna buy bear and stuff in front of her before saying things like "It'll be apple juice for you kiddo"
honestly go for it, sure your friend would enjoy it :)
by livs.dr4co; ; Report