Why did my friend make me listen to him take the most taco bell worm infested release of feces I have ever heard. I thought he was making the noises with his mouth, (Since he does those stupid noises all the time with his mouth.) But when he was talking, the sound of feces releasing is still there, with just his voice over-lapping.
He is american, but includingly he say he is half Filipino.
Is this a normal american thing?He is the only american i am friends with. Is it offensive that i don't think this is normal at all? Does he have a brain defect? Soldier does almost the same thing so maybe it is normal and i am very sorry i find it weird.

I am making friends in America.
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🎧 Kodeine 🎧
I'm afraid all americans have a brain defect of some sort
What i the cause of this?
by TorsoMuncher103; ; Report