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Category: Travel and Places

day one in thailand

it's so like hot but not because it's cloudy. the plane ride here wasn't even that bad technically it was like 12ish hours and i slept at least 7 of it so... i watched alien romulus on the plane and i can't stop thinking about it, it was so tea and i want a sequel NOW. i also watched didi which was really good, i just don't understand boys sometimes. like why do you act the way you do?! i loved his sister though wish we saw more of her. after i landed and got to the hotel i took the best shower of my life and then went shopping at their big central mall. i bought 3 tube tops and a mango gelato. then i walked back to the hotel, it took me like 30 minutes but i kinda did it by heart so i'm basically a native. then i watched the new episode of yellowjackets and i'm going to nap for 30 minutes because coding on here winded me. peace for now! 

2 Kudos


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