My type/taste

My taste:

Cute girls

Strong girls

Sweet girls

Tough girls

Middle aged sleep deprived men with monotone voices and no zest for life at all who act like a father figure and I can’t tell if I want to fuck them or just hug them and cry into their shoulder as they tell me it’s all gonna be okay and that I’m doing so well by surviving for so long even though it’s hard but I keep fighting and he’s proud of me and wants to help me and make sure I don’t do anything bad or hurt myself and who would cry like he lost a daughter if I died and would mourn me forever and is also an underground pro hero named eraserhead is probably married to a loud blonde who is also a teacher who also loves me and calls me dumb pet names for daughter and they both don’t want me to finally end my stupid fucking repetitive boring tedious life and they’ll both do anything to help me get better one day even if it’s hard because they tell me I matter to them and they’re actually telling the truth and don’t want me to kill myself

Girls with flat chests

Bimbo girls

Smart quiet girls

Mother and father issue girls

Obsessive girls

Apathetic girls

Pathetic girls

Any non-girl that my brain decides activates enough neurons to be counted a “woman enough”

Really fucking pathetic crybaby determined guys

Really fucking pathetic crybaby guys who aren’t determined at all

Loser rule-following righteous sucker four-eye guys with a stick up his ass and a chip on his shoulder

Stupid insecure himbo guys

2 Kudos


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