Instead of going through all 42 heros and explaining them in one blog post (cause that's wayyy to much writing and ain't nobody reading all that) I'm gonna go through them all one by one in little bite sized chunks. I'm gonna go in role order so Tanks (13 heros) to dps (18 heros) to support (11 heros)
Todays tank is D.VA
Hana Song, call sign: D.VA, is a 21 year old Meka pilot from South Korea. She is known for being an insanely talented gamer, to the point at just 19 years old she was hired by the Korean government to pilot a mech to protect her country from the enemy null sector, with a squad called the MEKA squad, this squad consists of five members. Her task is to destroy the drones null sector sends. Recently she's joined the post- recall overwatch organization. An organization once put together to save the world from the omnic uprising that now sets it's sights on squashing Null Sector.
On the side along with being a gamer Hana is a streamer. And a very popular one at that. She is a world wide celebrity, renowned for her gaming skills and her heroic acts
Abilities: has five abilities along with her two guns.
Her first ability is Boosters. This allows for her to fly her mech in the direction she is facing for two seconds. This ability has a cool down of four seconds.
Defense Matrix: allows for her to block projectiles in front of her for up to five seconds. This ability has a meter that recharges overtime instead of a cooldown. Her defense Matrix does not block beam damage (Zarya, Winston, Symmetra, Mei and Moria can all damage her through her defense Matrix)
Micro missiles: This ability allows her to shoot out medium damage missiles for three seconds. It had a cooldown of seven seconds. When coupled with her gun Fusion Cannons it has a high damage output.
Self-Destruct: her ultimate. This ability allows her to turn her mech into a bomb. Insta killing anyone who is nearby and not behind cover. unlike any other character has two life's. Once the 550 HP of her mech is depleted she can De-mech and ran over as just herself with her pistol light gun. She is very vulnerable in this stage only having 175 HP. If you survive long enough, or hit enough shots with your gun fast enough you are able to use her Call Mech ability to re-mech. This ability will insta kill (almost) anybody in the radius of it (other tanks will not be insta killed though they will be severely damaged)
Perks are abilities you can unlock to help you. has four perks two minor and two major.
Bunny Stomp: this perk increases the call mech radius by 50%
Ejection suit: grants 75 temporary overhealth when ejected from the mech (whether that be from the mech getting destroyed or from her using her ultimate)
Shield system: Converts 150 health to shields. Defense Matrix restores shields based on 25% of its damage absorbed
Heavy rockets: Micro missiles are swapped for heavy rockets which fire fewer projectiles with increased damage and explosion size. (A very crappy perk in my opinion)
That's all for D.VA! Next I will be talking about Doomfist!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Much love
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