I'm listening to Minecraft music right now and it's invoking such a deep sense of nostalgia. Making me long for those quiet nights back in 2019 where I would just play Minecraft with my friends, not a care in the world. I want nothing more than that. I want to be oblivious to the pressures of the world again. I don't want to think about what college I want to go to. I don't want to stress over the upcoming ACT. I don't want to think about getting a job. I don't want to stress over saving money for a car. I don't want to plan my whole future anymore.
I just want to laugh with my friends. I miss it.
Why is growing up so painful? Why does time strip so much away from me?
Its so hard to let go of the past and look to the future when the future looks so bleak. My past filled with laughter, sleepless nights playing my favorite games with friends I never thought i would lose. Looking forward to a future of work.
Its not that I don't want to grow up. I want to. I just hate how much I have to lose to do it.
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I guess each one of us wants that back to live back in a time where no place for stress or depression or even a sad feeling but that’s what life means, if u were stuck in that time u will never know the value of it, we miss the things that are heave far from our hands because that’s the end of it, u never get the chance to feel that again but only to think of and smile, that’s what it takes from u these days, one day u will be even older and miss the moment u r now living, so just live me friend and I wish u to have a wonderful life.
Don't crave going back, enjoy what you're doing at the moment and let your future creat itself not create you.
As things are now- I would say to take your year to bounce into a new groove, find a job, look into a topic you like(see if you can learn and apply the skill without going to the college scam) and appreciate the moments you have with your friends
Thank you for the advice。♡ I'll try looking towards the future more and not letting the past blind me as much.
by 。♡Frogs4Angela♡。; ; Report