How to Customize Your SpaceHey Profile *for newbis*

Β So Since there isn't really a comprehensive guide out there on how to bling out your profile looking good, I just decided to make one myself XD

Layouts (basically they are profile themes):

To get a layout, go to the "Layouts" page on SpaceHey and find one you like. Then go to "Edit Your Profile" and paste the layout's Code into the "About me" section. "Save All" and view your profile and it should now be showing up.

(I have like a wall of stamps on my profile under the "About Me" section if you don't know what they are XD)

Using stamps as an example, to add one go toΒΒ and find one you like. To add it to your profile, go to "Edit Your Profile" and copy and paste <img src="PASTELINKHERE"/> into the section you want the stamp to go. Go back to DeviantArt and right click the stamp you want and select "Copy Image Link". Then, replace PASTELINKHERE with the image address. "Save All" and view your profile and it should now be showing up. Repeat the steps to add more stamps.

You can also find stamps, blinkies, and banners here:ΒΒ and while you're at it check outΒ

Add a YouTube video to your profile:

To add a YouTube video to your profile, copy and paste this into the section you want the video to go:Β 


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube Video Player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" class="hideobj">

Next, go to YouTube and find the video you want to play. Click "Share" and Copy the last part of the link (after "") and replace both places where it says PASTELINKHERE with the text you copied. "Save All" and view your profile and it should now be showing up. It should also automatically play and loop when someone views your profile.

- To change the size of the frame, change the frame width and height values until it matches the video you chose. You can set them both to 0 to completely hide the video from your profile, but still have it play the audio.

- To add a border around the video change frameborder=0 to frameborder=1 and to remove the border back change it to 0.

- To stop the video from looping change loop=1 to loop=0 and to enable video controls like scrolling through the video change controls=0 to controls=1.

Hope this helpedΒ  newbis! :D

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