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Category: Pets and Animals

Fish of the Day 56 - I got that crown of thorns in me

Today’s fish of the day is the Crown-of-thorns starfish! Real ones remember this guy from yesterday..... it doesn't have a good reputation!

Can scientists contain the crown of thorns starfish?

Crown-of-thorns starfish facts:

- They are one of the biggest starfish, being able to reach around 2 feet long. Still far off from the actual biggest starfish, the sunflower starfish, who’s arms can reach around 3.1ft. 

- Named after Jesus Christ’s crown of thorns, the Crown-of-thorns starfish has a deadly toxin stored in the spikes that cover its arms. They have hundreds of these spikes, and although the effects from a sting are short lived, they are still considered the most deadly starfish in the world. Symptoms include projectile vomiting and swelling, and in very rare cases, it can send those stung into anaphylactic shock! As far as I'm aware, there has only been one death caused by these starfish.

- Not only are these starfish known for bad stings, but they are very harmful to coral reefs! It is not uncommon for there to be outbreaks of this species in certain areas, and they eat coral. This results in a lot of damage being caused to reefs. A fully grown Crown-of-thorns starfish can eat 10m² of coral a year! Luckily, there are a few creatures that are able to work their way around the spikes and eat these buggers.

- These starfish have eyes on the tip of each arm, but they do not fully rely on vision to sense their surroundings. They have a very good sense of smell, and they can also detect chemicals in the water which helps them navigate... somehow

Do you got that crown-of-thorns in you? You better not, you little coral muncher!

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I think the most interesting part is that they named it after the crown of thorns, really cool trivia! Makes me wonder if there's a crab called the Cross Bearer named after Jesus's hauling of the cross. The Cross Bearer Crab would be such a cool name for a lil fishy guy

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i feel like it could be a fitting name for any species of decorator crab, they love to put stuff on their back like corals and sea mosses

by picmiz; ; Report