So, ima tell you how do i take care of my fish, their Kind are Tetra Glow, these kind of fish glows on the blue light a LOT
the ones that glow the most are the green ones, and when i mean a lot i mean a lot, i sometimes use them as a night lamp (i dont really like disturbing their sleep but they are pretty as hell)
anyways, this might sound kinda cool, or nice, well it is but the problem is that, you must take care of them 24/7
when you dont feed them, they start fighting against eachone of them to see who can eat the other first.
and by the way, the blue light has a PC charger looking thing, so you need an adapter for it.
also something i forgot to mention is that my fish live with other kinds, as Zebra fish and Angel fish.
all fine with the Angels, but the zebras..
Last time i had 4 Zebras, now i got 3. i dont know if it been already devoured by the Beasts on my accuarium, or if the body stills there, i must clean the whole accuarium now.
and to have an accuarium you must change it filter every month, check PH and check if the filter tube isnt obstructed, because if it is,you must clean it too.
what happens when you dont clear the tube you might be asking, well if you just made the whole cleaning, say goodbye to your pretty, cristal water.
this little radioactive-glowing fish are made to make your life a 2x more stressful.
9/10, very nice, calm and stressful experience.
ima make an update if i find the body of the Zebra fish or just the rests.
2:00 for me right now.
founded the HALF BODY of te Zebra fish, im actually suprised it was just the half, they usually eat the whole body, maybe Zebra tastes bad? idk, i dont wnna know.
great, now i have to go, buy another zebra and some water tank.
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