Machine girl- Gorshit- Rory ite 2000’s- sewerslt- Aphex twin- Sweet trip- my dead girlfriend- motfd- Maston- Radiohead(i go feral for this band)- Whirr- Glare- car seat headrest- Alex g- se so neon- Tamachii- Hana stretton- NASTYONA- sterolab- doug carn- Akira Yamaoka- Cocteau Twins- Mazzy star- jeff buckley- slowdive- pink floyd- the smashing pumkins- fiona apple- Ryo Fukui- panchiko- the sundays- the smiths- elliot smith- nujebes- a$ap rocky- plyboycarti-JPEGMAFIA- BYALEXANDER-

MUSIC YAP - will update soon
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