I've decided I'm going to u
se Space hey as my own personal diary because why not. So anyways I've just been dicking around lately so that's what I'm writing about here :3

I did (attempted to do im not sure id consider it a success but still) trad goth makeup :) . And then I took photos with this cute website that lets you take photo booth photos from your laptop. I struggled so hard because Im so unphotogenic its not even funny so i know these photos look bad but trust me they were the best out of like 20. This was last night but ill still include it in this for shits and giggles. I didnt know what poses to do either so i settled on as above so below, devil horns and a peace sign for good measure.

Then I went to the coolest little oddity shop not to far from me. They had all the coolest stuff of course but it was all out of my unemployed price range but i didn't leave empty handed. I wound up getting a 20 dollar mystery wet specimen box.

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so cool i luv the swirly bottom eyeliner
Thank you!
by XXX; ; Report
the makeup looks so good!
omg thank you! :)
by XXX; ; Report
of course!!
by Nikki; ; Report