So, have you ever thought there was something in yours walls? yep same. when i was sitting in my room i was listening in to all the sounds i was hearing, and i heard them talking about me and my life and how they were gonna take me out if i found out the truth, WELL GUESS WHAT, i know the truth. the government is constantly spying on us, obviously they have access to supernatural connections and they use the bad spirits to spy, they see through them, communicate through them and can hurt and torture through them. im secretly typing this, quietly listening to make sure they dont know i know the truth.
you have to be really careful who you let know, they could be spys and there could even be spys around when you talk about it. the government is out to get us, whether your from england, america or north korea, they are all connected and all out to get the ones who know. everywhere i go i see them, theyre everywhere. be safe guys
luv ya , Daniel Malice X
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well yeah no way you discovered this just now /j
ive known for awhile man, it wasnt safe to post about it
by Daniel Malice; ; Report
The real light Yagami
Do you by any chance have schizophrenia?
my boyfriend says so but i dont think so
by Daniel Malice; ; Report