i think my dad thinks im depressed actually i know he does because for soem resoon he thinks im super sad all the time bc im in my room which is completely unrelared to my sadness. im actually very not sad ever now like during lockdown i was very sad and normal teenager emtion vise but now i think im probably the most mentally healthy person in my family. my dad defintly has issues but hes super old fashion abt this stuff. i mean he acknowledges it but he also projects it onto me and then i have to like reassure him that im fine and im not going to blow my brains out or smthing which actually bro has some serious anger or stress problems he broke my door once and then we just moved past it like nothing happened i mean im not that bothered by it anymore cause were just that type of family ig but he refuses to see his own problems. also i think my family has memory loss cause i told them i was gay and some other stuff but they all forgot and it was a pretty big thing to, like its been a few years since and then one day randomly my bua thinlks im not gay bc im too girly???? which no like sure im embracing it now more but im still not girly by any means like i was sent home from school because i refused to wear the skirt which is such a bs rule and then they had an assembly on the length of our skirts i want to punch the principal so bad. and like i talkedto my parents bout my gender identity and stuff and its like were just choosing to ignore it and i feel bad bringing it up and the only adult in my house who i can talk to abt this is my bua and she kinda brushes it off and makes me feel even worse abt and then i have like act like it doesnt bother me. its like a be grateful for what you have type thing but still it sucks sometimes but im cool with it now i just dont think about it. i guess i am doing that thing of ignoring my problems which works for now cause my lifes pretty good right now. im pretty lucky when it comes to most things

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