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Category: Blogging

Late Mardi Gras Pics!!!!

Forgot to post my pics the other day lol. Was to busy partying XD Anyways these where taken throughout the week!!

One of my bar friends showed me her son on last Saturday and I was so grateful to be in his presents... I LOVE YOU FAT FUCK!!!!! <3

Was checking my lips through my camera but i took a pic by mistake, i kept it lol

stop lookin at me with those big ol eyes!!!

btw my shirt says "I love you but I've chosen piss"

another pic I took by accident while checking myself loooool

My best friend took this one while we where waiting for the flouts to get to us. moments before we started drinking on a monday btw jghfjghffhjfhjk

The only pic of a flout that was taken the whole week lmaooooo

Can you guess how much liquor was drunk that night? Hint we had to walk like 2 miles back to my house cause we MOST DEFINITELY couldn't drive -_-" ALSO DONT LOOK AT MY BANGS THEY WERE HAVING A MIOMENT

I didn't take any pic on Mardi Gras cause I just wanted to vibe and chill out with my friend group, mostly cause the day before was crazy XD

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