Hello fellas, since I have no one to share this im telling here.
I have a friend, lests call him Mike, that hes Mitomanic (for those who dont know what it is, is someone that lies about everythink just cause they want to, this is a mental issue).
So, once he told me he dated a girl, and she was the first one to truly understand him, like not just as lovers but friends, but sadly they had to broke up cus she had to move. And sorry for what im about to say, HES HELLA UGLY, like started to be friends with him because a friend of another mine, and in the start he was cool but dude he tryed to flyrt so much with him that i almost blocked him, but i felt sorry.
Well getting back to the previous subject, His perfect girlfriend that omg ONE HAS EVER EVER SEEN WITH HIM, was gone and he was sad, then one day i noticed that "damn, ive never seen her, can u show me a pic?" i was curious to see how see looks like, maybe she was also ugly or just had bad taste.. idk
he said that would serch then show me, i thought it was weird why would he need to serch? like it was a nice break, they didnt had any fight and broke up and stayed friends (his words), some minutes after he send me this one picture, of him and one of the most beutuful girls alive???????????? Okay im exageration as hell, shes not that pretty, but she was like.. u know? good looking.
I didnt asked much more after, anyways days pass by, so one day i was talking with my friends (incluiding that one that intruduced us in the begining) and told her about that story idk why rsrsrs
AND SHE TOLD THAT WAS HIS COUSIN FOR GODS SAKE)??????????????????????? I still shocked like he didnt dated his cousin ofc, he simply lied for me, and thought i wouldnt find out, like what a hell man????
Well, we dont speak much now, just he sending me bad tiktoks and me pretending that im seeing just because of that stupid little fire pet, i feel bad for him 🥲🥲🥲
(sorry if theres any msitakes i was in a hurry and im too lazy to check if its everythink gramatically correct)
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wtf naww
Literally what I thought
by Makira; ; Report
👀 bruh