toxic lovelife of Ashuri

this is about me and my greatest love

so, i met him on my fav video game; mlbb, on august 23, 2024. we played as randoms, then i messaged him, showing interest. then, he added me on other socmed accs, we started talking. we were so similar to eachother, we has so much in common and i started falling for him. no one understands me as much as he does. 

we talked for some time, he asked me to be his gf on september 13, 2024. i agreed and we started dating. he got colder and more distant each day after that. so i thought “hmm, maybe i should do more cuz i may be not enough for him” i did all that just for him to call me out one day for being “too much”. that broke me, i genuinely tried to catch his heart again. i tried so hard, i even tolerated his toxicity and tried understanding him. i was patient and understanding with him. 

but during xmas, december 25, he confessed that he lost interest and is talking to a new girl. he’s been talking to that girl for 3 weeks. and ofc, me, trying to be understanding, asked him about the girl. he said “ we have so much in common “ he once said that to me too. that broke me even more.

we broke up after that but kept talking until january 2 of 2025, while talking, he kept threatening to block me. i didn’t wanna be blocked. but we stopped talking because he did block me.

then, on a random day in february 2025, he unblocked me and messaged me again. he talked and he confessed that he never lost interest, but he lost hope. he forced himself to believe that long-distance relationships never work, and that ended up with him leaving me.

i forgave him, since he was truly my greatest love and i never moved on after the breakup. we got back together, we also went sweet again. on calls every night, talking 24/7. but ofc, happiness is only temporary, the sweet shit only lasted a week until he grew cold and distant again. 

we’re still together now, idk what to do. i dont wanna leave him, i just want him to love me back. i rlly want it to be him, he’s still the old him to me, he’s still my baby. but still, it hurts like hell being in a relationship with a guy that i cant talk to without having to wait hours for a single reply.

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i’m from the philipines, english isn’t my first language, sorry for the wrong grammar in advanced

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