Hiiiii so basically i just wanted to talk about how changing your environment and adapting to it isnt so hard after all. In context, i recently changed my schools from a middle class private school to one with like filthy rich kids. Personally i like to think that im well off and and grateful for it but the kids in my new school are at a whole different level which unfortunately intimidated me in a sense. But luckily not everyone thats well off is a spoiled brat yk? So when i first joined i was kind of quiet even though im usually a super energetic person. But on my orientation day a few girls came up to me and we all talked. They ended up becoming the friends i have today although some of them are in different sub groups which is fine because out of the nine girls in that group im probably around 4 of them most of the time. Im not saying that i dont hang out with the others which i do btw but im trying to say that even when you believe that there isnt any space for you, trust me there is you just have to keep looking :) - Love, Ghinah

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awww thankyouuu :3
by Ghinahnana; ; Report
fuck yeah dude, well said
thankyouuu :))
by Ghinahnana; ; Report