I am from a box, bottle, and tube.
hair dye, bright and red and beautiful.
I am from the pavement,
cracked from everyone before me,
crowded with the feet of teenage punks.
I am from the laugh of friends,
shoves as we try to contain ourselves.
I am from pounding music,
bass loud enough to shake my soul.
I am from a thrift store,
something someone threw away,
is now my favorite piece of clothing.
I am from vintage stores and record stores,
the smell of old vinyl seeps into my clothes,
it becomes me.
I am from old leather,
bought secondhand or gifted.
I am from glitter and glam and silver,
blasting music from my stereo,
hairspray and teasing comb in my hand.
I am from metal and punk and industrial,
they are in my writing and the way I play.
I am from spikes and studs and chains,
adorning my wrists and neck.
I am from boots and platforms and heels,
beat, scuffed, and well loved.
I am from band tees and animal print,
musicians I wish I can and could have seen,
leopard print shirts and a snake print jacket.
I am from all those I love and all those who have loved.
Written based off of "Where I'm From" by George Ella. I just let the prompt lay the start, and the words guide me from there. My most recent poem.
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