day 2
my sickness is worsening and cold nights don't help at all! not sure how I even contracted this illness..
my mother is bringing me around to the doctor for a checkup! hopefully my sickness doesnt worsen to the point that i'm bed ridden!! that'll suck ( ´⊇`) being sick and having to go through a breakup all at once is disheartening but i'm sure i'll get through it, besides, having time and space from things will help, right?
uuuuwwwfff ( ´-`)
life does get tough at times where so many things are happening at once, but i'm sure there are many other people out there who are more resilient than i am, life can be throwing so many stones at you but i respect those who make an effort and still go through it. people have way more perseverance than i do!
( ´∀` )b
if anything, i hope i can buy a small drink of matcha at starbucks! sounds refreshing.. updates for later!
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