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Category: Life

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Guys I'm so stressed, I just said I wanna a laptop so I count how much I going to save if I save money from my lunchs and make food in my home, it's like 180 school days in the yr 

180 soles if I save one sol everyday

360 soles if I save two soles everyday

540 soles if I save three soles everyday 

740 soles if I save four soles everyday

900 soles if I save all the money my parents give me (five soles)

1 dollar it's actually 3,60/3,70 Peruvian soles 05/03/2015

But the laptops I found are so expensive like 14 399 soles, 1 799 soles and 3 399 soles, I need help how I can get more money (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

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