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Category: Blogging

Gossip at my school! :0

Starting with, I will not say the real names of the people to preserve the identities 

Come on, on a Thursday, a boy named Gabriel was messing up and playing without paying attention in class. The teacher fought with him and went to move him 

Another boy named Caio made fun of him. Gabriel got angry and went to punch Caio. The teacher came in the middle to separate the Fight, but then Gabriel ended up punching the teacher 

He was annoyed for not hitting the caioHe was annoyed for not hitting Caio, That's why he took the teacher's cell phone and threw it on the ground. Obviously, the two went to the board

The teacher went along and while the room was without a teacher, a student named Flyn freaked out and punched a girl named Jessie 

Another girl named Kenzie went to try to go to the board to tell her, but flyn caught her and threw her across the room

Another girl tried to separate but was also beaten, and the story ends with the boys suspended, and the girls' mothers making a police report. 

And this all happened only in the 6th year lol! 

Author: blood Cat (not given name) 

2 Kudos


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