Sober confidence

Hi everybody!
Last weekend I went to a costume party (carnival). This was probably the first time in my life i've actually got drunk in my life, and it has made me feel very weird for the last couple of days. Luckily, my drunkness didn't drive me to do anything too crazy, I was just tipsy, but I DID feel different (personality-wise).

It's true that alcohol is a drug that reveals the most confident part of you; I am a really shy person irl, but in that party I was dancing all the time, speaking to people I didn't even know and, as weird as it sounds, being generally nicer to people than I usually am xd.

Ofc I ended up having a better time than i probably would have if I hadn't drank, but thats precisely what I dislike about this whole situation. I was happy, my friends were enjoying themselves and I didnt commit any crime; but at the same time I feel as if wasn't myself who did all that...

I listen to a lot of music about parties and going out and that stuff, and I felt like I was part of that world for the first time, but I want to experience that without alcohol. Maybe im just being exaggerated about all this but at least I want to record these feelings, just in case it's useful remembering next time I party (in about 500 years). Have y'all felt like this before?

Ty for reading <3

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Oceanbacon's profile picture

girl when i get drunk i either cry or do some stupid shit like chase my freinds around with tazer

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Where do you even get a tazer in a party

by Xmart ♥; ; Report

I keep it on me for ā€œself defenseā€
Itā€™s purple itā€™s got a carrying pouch and everything

by Oceanbacon; ; Report