hllo peeps!!!! (1st blog entry)

sincr this is my first thingamabob on here, i wnted to make something like a self introduction. my name is sodapop (or soda, sodacan, watever), im new to dis place obvi and i hjust wanted to come on here an d possibly make some new friends and wyatnot. agh idk how 2 really put this but ya im sodapop, im 4teen, enby, yada yada srry am a bit awkward but i pROMISE i am supa dupa swag and i hsve like a million interests and i lsietn to a ton of different genres of music but the top ones are sguff like s3rl, ptv, mcr and on and on so if anyone wnats to b friends dont be sfraid to message me i would love to talk to u!!!!!! 

and 4 what my future blogs with be like, they'll be pretty rndom and not organized.... srry 4 that lol im not reallt sure how to do this but tis site seeems very fun and id like to try it out also im very srry if i dint put thid in the right category i didnt really kno where else to put it..... TwT buttt ya thats basically it so if u eanna be friends send me a message u all seem so coool id love to be firneds i feel like im writing 2 much so ill just leave it at thatvhave a nice day/night !!!!! ^v^

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Wi-Fi ⚠︎

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You're really cool!11!!!1

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