
Eat me. Invade me. Enjoy yourself. Satisfy yourself. Feed on the lust in the touch of my skin. Possess every inch of my body. Make the world stop around me, and I can only feel your hunger. Imagine that I am your last piece of freedom. As if I were a piece of desire free to touch. Invade me inside and out, take over everything I call MINE. My blood is your wine. My flesh is your bread. My life is your knife. And with it you shatter all the anguish. Make me your last act of sin. Tell me that I am your possession. I am the sheep and you are the wolf. Fill yourself with bravery as you explore my bubbling inner flesh. Put down your roots in me and bury them deep where I cannot free myself. Be my savior where I will find freedom when I speak forgiveness.


*im srry if its not good*

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