Does RPG counts for this forum? (Ծ_Ծ
If so, what are you guys' favorite RPGs systems? And campains?
Personaly? I've completely fallen in love with the Ordem Paranormal system, but I'm also a big Intrepid Heroes fan.
(Quais são os sistemas de RPGs favoritos de vocês? E capanhas? Pessoalmente, eu sou apaixonada pelo sistema de ordem, mas também sou muito fã dos Intrepid Heroes de Dimension 20)
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Mulch Lover
Big fan of Delta Green and Cult of Cthulhu, I'd like to try Lancer some day though
Dudeee, you'd like Ordem Paranormal then. It is based slightly on Call of Cthulhu, but I don't think there is any translations for the manuals to english yet. I'm pretty sure some people subtitled the main campaign on youtube though, if you want to check it out:
by Grave' Yard; ; Report
i love to abuse the charcter creator in DnD even tho thats a basic aah awnser..
its just so fun to min max
I don't think I know how to min-max (╥ᆺ╥;) with dnd I usually play rogue and just boost the shit out of my my ability scores until it becomes pretty hard for me to fail a test lol I am sacrificing feats for that, but I don't mind
by Grave' Yard; ; Report
what i do is abuse the hell out of everything and try to find the best combo ofd radce plus background to match my class
by Oceanbacon; ; Report