Today is March 4th, 2003. Remember when I was talking about that new VR headset I got with Half-Life? Well, after I finished studying last night I finally started playing it.
Awesome. As. Hell.
I've never played such a realistic game before. The characters felt so real! They actually introduced themselves and we could have custom conversations. They could hear me! I didn't know technology was so advanced already.
There is one character in particular who stood out to me. He said his name is 'Benrey'. Everyone else seems to refer to him as different names though.
Throughout the game, he was very insistent of me showing him my passport. I assumed I'd be able to find it later, maybe as a side quest sort of thing. After that he said he had to follow me, and then sort of disappeared. I think he might be my favorite character so far because of how mysterious he is. I wonder if he will play a big role later in the game?
Well, that's all I have to say about Half-Life so far. I am very excited to continue playing! :-D
Also, I have 11 friends now! Yayyy~
Again, don't be afraid to message me. x)
Signing off now,
Anny B.
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pas port
What? :-/
by Anthony B.; ; Report