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Apps I Love To Use (Self Help, Mood Trackers, AAC, Friends/Socials)

Welcome to my Blog, thank you for reading! 

Today I am going over many apps I use, either daily, or most days, or when needed. I will give info on the app itself, and what I like and dont like, along with how often I really use it. This will be a long post but I will try to make it organized too so you can easily scroll through. 

Now you may ask, what makes me qualified to talk about apps today? Well nothing really, no dev experience or marketing classes or anything. But I am unemployed with a lot of time to play on apps. I am also Autistic and Bipolar working on bettering myself so these are what I enjoy and help me. If this blog does well maybe I will share the few games I enjoy since Im not into many candy crush type games. Anyways I am off track so let us get into the apps!! 


● Finch  - This is a daily task and help app. You take care of a bird you hatch as a baby and it grows up and learns. You check off daily tasks you can set up or pick from premade  to work on. Such as health and exercise or breathing exercises. Or just going outside or drinking water. You can dress the bird and name it and decorate its home along with adding friends to give vibes and gifts to. And the best part? THE BIRD CANT DIE! So if you forget for awhile they will be okay. I use this app almost daily and lately daily for sure. It has a paid and free  version and you can get a free paid version randomly some times. 

● Habitica - This one can be like finch of being daily tasks and repeating tasks and such, but it is rpg themed. You are a character who can be like a rogue or mage etc and collect things as you do tasks. I do not use it daily because I find Finch does it best but everyone has different taste so try both! I think it is all free so far for me. 

● Plant Nanny - This app helps you drink water! You raise a plant to give it water when you drink water. I used to use it daily in high school but have forgotten over the years until the last few months. Some things changed so i am not sure if the plants can dye or not. 

● Happy Poop  - My bf uses this one really, but I have it too. It is best on a smart watch he says or when you take a phone to the bathroom. You can document poop, pee, and periods!! 


● Tochi Diary - This one is cute and is mood orbs in a big orb. You can use premade moods or make your own (Examples of mine: Amazing, Awful, High, Zoned Out, Paranoid, Manic, Depressed, Magical, Not Bad?, Painful, Nothing, Good, Lovey, Cant Remember, Dissociative.) It has a free and paid version and i have thought of paying before but havent. 

● EMoods - This one is for bipolar and has a meds part, an hours of sleep, and some symptoms. I do use it when I can and remember but I think Tochi is better but they go good hand in hand. 

● Simply Plural - I AM NOT CERTAIN IF I HAVE DID OR OSDD OR BPD OR SCHIZOPHRENIA, I HAVE NOT GOTTEN DIAGNOSIED OR TESTED FOR ANY SINCE I AM POOR. However I do track my dissociation and voices and feelings of cofronting there. You can add members and who is in front and such along with profile info for them. My friend who is diagnosed showed me and set me up. You can add friends too to see who is fronting. 

● Gratitude - This app gives you affirmations and a journal to use. I used to use the affirmations daily but journals are not always my thing on phones. But i am trying to use it more and it is a good journal, my favorite so far. 

● My Diary  - Another diary/journal but i do not use it a lot really, I just have it for bad days. 


● Spoony - This is a social media app for disabled mentally, physically, anything else people. Ill or not you can make friends and have an account and it has a journal now but i have yet to use it. My account is galaxybongboy

● Airbuds - This one i just got and you can link a music platform to show what you are listening to to friends who added you. I think you can also have a feed too? I havent looked into it, but my account is galaxybong 

● Wiccan - This app is a social media for witches and anyone who feels they identify that way! Pagan, Satanist, Wiccan, anything and anyone can join. It has group chats and social feeds and such along with fun quizzes! I enjoy it and have made some friends there! 


● Speech Assistant - I use this one the most when I need to, you can set up words and phrases and it already has a lot to use too. You can type as well if needed, which is nice for adults. It does have a robot fem voice but it is free.

● Coughdrop - My friend said they use this one but it costs some money so i have not used it. But they told me it was better than speech assistant, it was a few months ago we talked about this since they have been doing poorly mentally, but they said they use it a lot, enough to want to pay for it. But they are way more selectively mute than me and need it more. 

That is all I got but I may add more if I ever find more!! I also use the main big ones like tiktok and reddit and snapchat but you all probably know those sites. And of course you know the amazing Spacehey if you are here!!!!  Hope this helps someone somewhere some how though!! 

8 Kudos


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