☁️ I've been thinking about wanting to learn Russian recently. Just so I could understand some of my favorite songs better and even sing along! But I've always found the language pretty interesting too.
🌤️ I have a tiny crush on Dracula played by Bela Lugosi. He's just so charming. The air of mystery and intrigue while the way he carries himself is so hypnotizing. But I also love Jim Carrey very much ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
🌧️ Sometimes, I think I'm a little weird or too excessive. Like I want to say something but will anyone understand it? I don't know. I don't feel like I fit in anywhere but I try, even if I'm just an oddball. Maybe I'm too childish.
☁️ The Mummy! The Mummy Returns! (I love these movies. Anything about ancient Egypt or history in general, makes my brain tingle).
⛅ Having a snail as a pet would be really nice. I love snails. Venus flytraps, a marimo moss ball and a betta fish would be really nice too. I'd spoil them all and give them silly names. Cornelius would be cool on a snail🐌
🌧️ The weather tomorrow is going to be a little stormy (which was expected since spring is around the corner) and I don't do good with loud noises. So, I'm sleeping in and charging my phone just in case something happens.
🌙☁️Anyway, it’s late, and my brain won’t shut up. I really need the sleep and I don't want to have another nightmare (个_个)
Nighty night! Love ya 🐢✨
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