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Category: Life

SECOND DAY BLOGGING- trust td was juicy

like before, i hope you enjoy my life if you read this, because it can be alot at times. 

I started talking to a new guy, hes 16 (j) and lives about 2 hours from me, hes reallyyy nice, hes also RIPPED and i dont care at al what a guy looks like i have NO type, but i meannnn.. anyway hes realy nice and hasnt asked me anything sexual or sexually driven, he did make done joke abt his d--- but yk i mean thats kind of expected, he is a teen boy. idk i felt kinda shitty td, i looked good but i kept looking in the mirror and being like damn. thats me dude? other than that on the bus this morning i heard that girl from before, M. she and her freind were talking about how they kinda hate this one girl and how this girl that they hated filmed her and her bf when he was 13????? and like showed it to ppl, like omg idc if he concented thats EVIL, that has to be CP, like no wayyyy. yea so i get why they were hating and aparently they also freaked when M was at her house and beside them, and hey tried to be sneaky about it but everyone heard. I feel so bad for M, that would SUCK, like omg akward jeeeeezzzusss. idk my hair looked kinda cool td, and tonight im sleeping with 4 sock in my hair, might be a disaster idk yet.  


0 Kudos


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