What do i need to do to join a band and travel the world and go on tour?

My dream is to join a band one day and tour the world, but how? Im only 15, so what should i do to get started? Should i go to college? How do i find people who also have this dream who are near me? How do i even get started? 

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12 Bar Bruise

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man, college is like one of the places where i'd guarantee you'd find people who are interested in the same thing (as in starting a band). i'd say if you do go to college you could major in some sort of music related subject.

i'm not really reliable on this info because i actually haven't gotten into college yet (studying for it though lol). most important thing is START PRACTICING NOW!!! if you wanna start a band. i myself am going to start a band and i barely even do that. also look for like communities and stuff around you both online in person. it's a little hard for me to explain but i promise this'll be enough information to at least give you an idea on what to do :^)

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