I decided to start a blog, because I really wanted to talk soooo if you don't want to hear to boring stuff about me, just don't take your time to read this-
ANYWAYS, I'm Hayden andd I'm French I may will do some spelling mistake so don't mind it -w-
As you can know, I'm transgender (Ftm) since I have 13yo I think.
First when I knew I was trans, I HATED ALL THOSES GIRLY STUFF, like pink (I know it's very stereotyped sry), feminines clothes, long hair etc...
It wasn't that bad because everyone started calling me "Young boy" and hearing my parents telling me that I looked like a boy made me soooo happy, this was the best felling ever.
But...A few years later I stared linking more feminine things, and I was like "What's wrong with me, I'm a boy, not a girl" I was very scared about this
but ONE day, I was searching something to watch on the TV, and I found the emission called Drag Race, and I remember that when I've finished the show I was like "DAMN DRAG QUEENS ARE RIGHT, feminine stuff is so coooooooooooll" soooo I started wearing feminine clothes and I loved myself like this, but I didn't looked like a boy anymore and, my hair was muchhh longer (I'm just a huge fan of long haired men like Alucard)
And even if people doesn't call me "young boy" anymore but "young girl" I didn't care because my friends are still calling me Hayden and using He/Him and I'm still happy with this
I don't think I will call myself "femboy" because I just hate this word and how femboys are over3xualised (that's just my opinion but I don't mind if someone call me like that)
I hope it wasn't too boring-
03/03/2025 9:10pm
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