
« When I'll be all grown up, I'll go back to my old place. Ill search for the old cups , the small piece of life i left in the house. I'll even try to remember how sleeping here felt. I'll look at the stars and make one more wish. But before i leave. Ill look out for you. Maybe all theses years you hid from me. Maybe you got lost in the woods too far from my reach. I'll chase you in the house we used to love. I'll hide behind the walls and let you find me. Ill hug you so hard you wont ever dare going out of my gaze. And we'll go home. We'll drive in the forest. And ill love you more than i ever did , whatever may happen. Ill never make heaven take you once more from my hands. Not without a goodbye. Im sure you died calmly but nothing calmed down in me. You always loved me so tenderly how can I feel so violented by your absence. How can they judge my love for you and call me childish for loving the only one who did cared for me. Not for what i said or done. But what happened in my weird soul. I bet you did saw what happened. Thats why you choosed to leave. Oh and ill remember you forever. In the dust in the stars I'll grave your soul to never disappear. »

Hello , this is a poem I wrote in the memory of my dog who died. I hope you appreciate it :] (btw pls don’t repost or claim it at yours ty !)

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