Hi guys I have been on this site awhile now but still have no real friends! I comment on some bulletins and blogs when I see them but I need more active mutuals and friends!!! I only add adults since I am 26 myself!
Some info about me is I am trans and use he/they/it and other neos if wanted. Im disabled physically and also have mental health issues and neurodivergence. I love to be supportive and friendly and i am a 420 smoker. Im in some group discords to smoke together.
I game a lot and I stream at times and I also love love music and revamping my page and looking at other peoples pages!!
I am taken so i only want friends do not flirt with me and dont be rude or racist or bigoted or homo/transphobic or you will get blocked!! Im also a pagan who has nothing against other religions but dont try to convert me.
I think that is it for now!! Maybe I will update this Im not sure. But yeah, I follow any adult back who wants it and some times reach out in IM but it is better if you do it first.
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