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why is there not enough australian pics on pinterest

i need to fill this void but i canttttt :( whateves i can try to make a good board 

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whoah's profile picture

Because Australia is boring and barren asf

Seriously, in SA at least there is literally nothing to take photos of! I cycled out for 6 hours looking to find a cool forest or gorge or field at the very least, it was ALL dirt road and farms!! I asked a local if I continued going where I was going [basically straight line through the adelaide plains] if I would find anything interesting, she said "nope, its all dirt and farms." WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS ALL DIRT AND FARMS???!?!?!?!?!?!

GRHAGRGYHSDSAJB THERES NOTHING!!! i cycled 6 hours out and i had to cycle 6 hours back on nothng but apples, bottled water and the same 4 albums on my iPod shuffle through dirt, dirt and MORE dirt. You cant even go on the farms cuz its just crop field and the owners will probably shoot you, the only cool green non desert part of SA in the summer is a dried out river, which is far as FUCK and I have to climb down a bigass ravine every time and drive past some property owners angry ass pitbulls

Might be different in other states but this is accurate for SA and definitely WA, on the bright side all the cycling gave me big legs so maybe SA being a barren boring crack den isnt too bad

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lol true. australia, especially in that area is nothing, just nothing. but you the adelaide hills, when i went it was really nice forest and green. i was more looking for just vibes in australian suburbia but at the least the biking is good 4 u, haven't riden a bike in fiveever and i applaud the people who can stand for hours. i like the idea but it's just not for me.

by george; ; Report

Suburbia is nice in aus, I like taking walks/cycling thru my neighbourhood while just thinking. Not much to photograph tho, other than some cats that I'm friends with but I cant exactly go photographing random peoples houses and stuff lmao, I have found some greenery by the upper regions of SA like Tea Tree or Gawler but they're so far away from me that its essentially impossible to cycle to in a single day.

America sucks but I envy being able to walk 2 minutes and end up findining 1 quadrillion acres of unowned woods, in aus its farm farm farm. I've snuck into heaps of farms with my friends to explore and shiz but after having 2 hide in a tiny cave cuz of some helicopter potentially seeing us, getting ambushed by 40 or so cows and having to maneuvre away, nearly stepping on a fatass red belly snake out in the Gawler Plains with 0 cell reception and getting close to maybe being chased by a bunch of horses in the pitch black w the only indicator of how close they were being the clopping of their hooves.

Breaking into farms is not the safest hobby

by whoah; ; Report

true i can't even handle sleeping in a tent so you go honestly. sucks though, i just wanted to express my lana del ray aka lizzy grant middle class vibe on pic, just i live in basically the middle of nowhere, so if you hate the desert and tons (and i mean TONS) of bindis poking your tyres I do not recommend. It's just nice to me to have exploration in the mundane, like the things you see everyday, the patio of your house, the coke you drink out of will be fascinating in years come and i just want to capture that time and vibe with it. also what were you doing to have a chopper come and find you? did u run away or some shit, coz that sounds like an interesting story.

by george; ; Report

I think I've replaced my bike tubes around 20 or so times in the past 3 years, only recently learned about tyre slime yet still had a tube explode a few weeks ago with a thumbnail wide rip, probably due to me offroading with on a road bike w no suspension

The helicopter event wasnt too interesting, the area was a big ravine into a field with a pond which is where the cows were, we saw the helicopter while yapping by the pond and quickly scaled the ravine part into an itty bitty cave which was no more than 4 metres deep. It was moreso stressful than interesting since that mfer was ripping around the area for like half an hour and we were just sitting in that tiny ass cave shitting ourselves lmao, its a 2 hour walk to get to the point we were at so its not like we could just quickly get off the property and we'd used bolt cutters to get thru some barbed wire so we were def fucked if they decided to be pricks and get us for chilling

It was half a year ago so I dont remember everything that happened that day, its the same area where the cows snuck us tho, I was talking about the times I'd come close to death/trouble in my life w my brother while writing my previous comment and he googled if cows are aggressive.. Turns out they are when in herds and will rush things they percieve as a threat, totally opposite to what my friend thought who wanted to run up to the cows and spook them off like kangaroos, I probably coulda died if I didnt tell him that running up to and screaming at a bunch of cows is a trash idea lmao

by whoah; ; Report

Oh forgot to mention the helicopter just dipped after half an hour and nothing happened to us that day

by whoah; ; Report