OK so this is 1 a way for me to see if this works because I've never posted a blog before but also 2 a way for me to rant about the cat people aliens.
I cant stop thinking about them lately and I have to get it off my chest, so basically my old college professor gave a speech on the cat people aliens???
Apparently he had someone who whole heartedly believed in the cat people aliens tell him all about it when he lived in Roswell New Mexico which is apparently some kind of alien hot spot. He said they were one of the seven alien races and that they like to eat people? Not only did they eat people but that smoking actively makes people taste bad so that's why they have a deal with the US government. Apparently, the US government regulates smoking to make it harder for people to smoke and then the cat people aliens eat the homeless, which not only taste better because they haven't been smoking as much, but also helps the US government with the homelessness problem in America. And that's about it... no follow up information....
I've tried googling it and I cant find exactly what he was talking about and now I'm just haunted by the the fact that they're are people out there that believe in people eating cat aliens that do business with the US government. I cant find any more information on it and I don't know what to do with this information that I do have so I'm just screaming into the void here and getting it all out in this blog post. Pretty sure no one will see this but if you are somehow reading this, Hi :)
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