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Category: Life

MY FIRST BLOG ENTRY- trust its juicy

HII im 15 and idrk why im here but im so done with my romanic life rn, i needed a break and i feel like this might be a nice space to have that, okay now i wanna yap about my day, idc if noby reads this, i just want to use it as a dairy, but if you do read it? thank you and i hope u enjoy the antics of my life. <33

mar 2nd. oh my god im so done with guys my age. ive only had one guy ever really lke me and ask me out instead of me asking him out, im always the first one making the move, maybe its because i dont gaf what people think of me and i think that scares some ppl. the day that i right this im kinda sruggling im ngl, i lobe myself and i love my life but genunily what is wrong with men. yes there are some very sweet ones, but somehow they always like the hotter girl. ive been asked if i send 6 times last week. and asked if I want to "link" 5 times, im so done with it, what ever happened to hey your pretty want to hang out. now its just hey sexy want to come overm like oh my god. what happened to guys being actual people and not just "trying to hit" why is my generation like this. ive always felt like i was born in the wrong time, like oml let me out of this hell. and yea ive talked to sweet guys but its a LOW bar that is set for these guys and they all start drinking and hitting the geek bar, like omfg your 15 you have your whole life ahead of you CALM TF DOWN. 

on thurs when i was i was at school this girl is trying to be freinds with me really hard, her name is M and shes really pretty and nice but she was talking about the most out of pockey bs out loud to me when the class was QUIET, like um hi its my first solid convo with you why are you telling my all of this? she lit outed a plug, told me she told a bag of white pills she found in the girls bathroom, and what flavour her geek bar was in one freaking sentance and the teacher was righhhtttt behind her. like holllyyyy sht, bud i dont know you that well. i also almost got asled out by my bestfreinds little brothers freind, i could tell he liked me and was sweet but also hes one year younger than me and hes kindaaa cringy, so i got the ick and i didnt know what to do , but at one point he tried to hold my hand and i felt him sniff me, so idk how i feel abt that. 

tmr ur getting even more druama from the week befire last <33 

PS yes ik my spelling sucks shhh

0 Kudos


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