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Category: Games

Episode 204 - Marvel Rivals Season 1 Recap

Good Morning M3P Community

Yes, I know, Im slacking.

A newsletter that should have been posted last week ended up being a week late. And yet episode 203 is the reason why.

Episode 203

There it is, that should explain everything in 45 minutes or so.

Sooooo late because I was playing a game? Hey, do you want content or not? Marvel Rivals is part of that content, so therefore I have to tell you my experience weather its good or bad.

I did say I love the fandom, sometimes it may be toxic. But other times you get cosplayers and they end up playing your favorite character.

“Time to go nuts!”

Ive complained about getting beat by Spiderman because he webs through the entire map as well as Iron Fist because you cant get a single hit on him. But I dont think Ive complained enough about a death from a thousand squirrels running at you. I may love the character and I use that ultimate all the time but its a pain when its on the other side of the shoe because you’re trying to jump but they keep running back and forth.

Anywho. More Marvel Rivals content coming soon.


Disney Animated Movie Tournament

As promised, here are the results to round 1. There were 3 two way ties so I had to make an executive decision on who should go next. So here is the new bracket for round 2.

Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva


If you keep scrolling to the right after bracket 8, you will also see the bracket for the Disney Live Action Movie Tournament. There are only 8 brackets on here since I was only able to fill in those 8. Next week you will get the other 8.

These brackets end in a week and the results will be known on the weekend’s episode of the podcast. So Enjoy and happy voting.


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Check out these awesome stuffed animals crochet from this awesome creator. ⁠⁠Little Crafty Mama⁠


As always I will see you all soon in the live on tiktok if you are up for it. 8pm Central.

I love your faces and dont forget to have sweet dreams or beautiful nightmares

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

- Maya Angelou -

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